Life of Late ~ 2.26.16

PHOENIX BOUND! Or already arrived as of last night.  I always mean to write up a thinking out loud post on Thursdays, but I like my Friday rambles instead. 🙂

Sammichespsychmeds ~ “Why I Won’t Apologize for Posting About My Run on Social Media” ~ We need to take social media with a grain of salt.  Yes I post out all.the.time about working out and November Project.  To be honest, sometimes I think that even though I go to these workouts, I don’t always work my hardest and I see other people working harder, people who are faster, smaller, etc.  So where does that put me?  (see #5) I digress.  Know that it doesn’t have to be a negative trap and that those blogger posts, Instagram posts, or Facebook updates can actually be empowering.

IMG_5483^^ Like last week’s 10 miles around the lower part of Manhattan and ending with a solid selfie.  I was really trying to get a little NP_Buff and NP_Homework action going but homework was due at midnight the night before.  Oh well, good effort.

IMG_5484Oh, casually running around a monument.  I’m actually not sure what it is but it’s like the Arc de Triumph of Brooklyn, located right above Prospect Park.  I met up with a friend on Saturday around the park and “runcheer” some of our friends that were racing in the Al Gordon 4M.  The other main reason I offered to come to Brooklyn was the incentive of brunch with my friends.  The real winner was the ricotta and berry waffle or avocado toast concoction.  I guess you could say I was basic with my egg scramble.


^^ Brunch at the Brunswick Cafe was quite delightful, even if the hostess and waitress got mad at me for pouring the water and coffee.  What can I say, you left it within arm’s reach and hadn’t been back in awhile…

Mind Body Green ~ Yoga Retreats at Julia Child’s Home in France ~ Um, sign me up!

Pure Wow ~ “What Dog Breed Should You Get Based on Your Personality” ~ I’m still banking on saving up for a labradoodle one of these years.

Huffington Post ~ “For Anyone Who Thinks They Are Falling Behind” ~ An excellent find by my aunt and isn’t this the truth.  What did I say at the beginning of the year? YOU DO YOU!


^^ The Tuesday Speedwork crew.  Getting up at the crack of dawn two days in a row to run on the upper east side isn’t always easy, but oh so worth it once I get there.  Not to mention the fact that it’s getting brighter earlier and making it that much easier to workout in the morning!  Now let’s see if that effort actually translates into my races this year…

Pure Wow ~ “11 Tricks that Make Living in NYC Way Easier” ~ Free bathroom database?  I mean I do use my Equinox membership for that but wow, #runnerproblems solved.  Also my next dream is to attend the SNL taping.  So set your calendar alerts for August!

NYMag ~ “The Single American Woman” ~ Not sure I agree with all the political elements but what a fascinating shift in culture.


^^ Oh, and this is how to be single 😉 Profile picture worthy, don’t you think?  Back story is that we were out at Houston Hall (dancing the night away…or at least I was) and asked this cute guy to take our picture.  He actually went above and beyond and took multiple without us asking.  Well, we weren’t aware that he was taking the last one and started moving and there you go.  He even said that one was the best.  True story.

IMG_5476^^ Another view (at the beginning of my run) along the east river.  Pure gold and no filter.  How’s that for a sunrise?


Today we are off to pick up our bibs for tomorrow’s half marathon and then who knows what else.  I’m just happy to be exploring a new place 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend!

Brunching at Egg Shop

What do you know, we’ve got another lovely run to brunch spot up on the blog.  This was from a few weeks back when I persuaded a few November Project peeps to tag along on an early long run around Central Park, down the west side, and deep into SOHO.

IMG_5183All in all it was a nine mile route heading counter-clockwise around Central Park, splitting out along the west side highway, finishing around Houston and then Juicepressing our way to the east side.   When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we were greeted with a 60 minute wait, which then turned into a 90 minute wait.  Well, that’s New York for you.  A land of endless eateries that all require your full party to be present and suggest showing up an hour early just to wait around.  But anyways, the main point of this visit…the eggs.


Egg Shop
151 Elizabeth St, New York, NY 10012

IMG_5180 Turns out our initial table was given to some fancy schmancy bloggers (possibly famous foreigners). Just as I was about to raise a kerfuffle, the hostess walked over apologetically and offered us free drinks.  Why yes thank you so much, we would be thrilled to enjoy free coffee.

IMG_5175 IMG_5179BISCUITS ON POINT.  But really, for a shop based upon eggs, these biscuits are out of this world.  They quite possibly could be better than the biscuits I had in Charleston.

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^^ As you might be able to tell, this is not a large area and mostly tables for two.  So, my tip to you is arrive in pairs.  May the odds be ever in your favor.

IMG_5174 ^^ Breakfast and brunch options galore, but I have to say, the dinner menu might have sounded a tad bit better.  Just look under the section labeled “Drunken Eggs”.  Yep, I’ll leave that with you.

IMG_5173IMG_5181^^ Guilty food blogger caught in the action.  Photographed by the lovely buddy and blogger friend of mine Lauren.





“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Life of Late ~ 2.19.16

You know when your brain seems to be fried from staring at the same screen for hours on end?  How about if it’s fried and you haven’t even begun working yet?  Yep to both of those.  I’m trying to finish a final ad sales planner presentation and for every one slide that I work on, I seem to need 20 minutes break.  Fingers crossed it all goes as planned.  Well, thankfully it’s also Friday and since we had a last-minute client dinner last night, I was able to wiggle my way into work a few minutes after my normal 8:30 arrival.  Winning.


^^ Running running, same idea, different day and different crowd.  This was from Tuesday’s intervals crowd.  I ran up through the slush and ice and was not at all impressed but after a total of 6 slow miles, I was glad to have a workout under my belt.


^^ Also from Tuesday.  My attempt to finish the November Project homework – wear your buff or photograph your buff in your city in some creative way.  Cue anxiety trying to figure out how to top the most amazing pictures from tribes around the country and world.  Just search “NP_Homework” in Instagram and you will be impressed.

While it was fun to be away last weekend, I realized how much I love my city and my routine.  A low-key night tonight (really catching up on all that sleep that I lost this last week), a few training runs for next weekend’s Phoenix Half Marathon, possibly yoga, brunch squeezed in there, and volunteering on Sunday with New York Cares.

We also have to spruce up the kitchen in our apartment since one roommate left and she owned pretty much every single item in there.  Lindsay and I laughed because when we arrived back from North Carolina (coincidence that we were both there last weekend!) it looked like a scene out of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  Analogy credits to Linds!  Anyways, that means a trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and as long as I don’t get too overwhelmed, I’m all game.

The Blissful Balance ~ “Where to Eat in Phoenix” ~ OH MY GOODNESS GORGEOUS.  I want to go to all of these places.  Absolutely adore this post and so excited for Phoenix next weekend 🙂


^^ I adore walking around my neighborhood and passing classics such as this Ukranian eatery. Veselka always seems to be packed and is known for its borscht & pierogi.  Thankfully I know it’s not going anywhere and luckily this cheap eatery is open 24 hours a day.


APlus ~ “Strangers Wrote Their Biggest Regrets…They All Used The Same Three-Letter Word” ~ CLEAN SLATE

Skyscanner ~ “Travel Tips for Solo Female Travelers” ~ Hm.  Maybe I should take the plunge and take a solo trip.  But then I do love traveling with people.  I just also need my me time.

Puckermob ~ “30 Things You Never Thanked Your Grandma For” ~ Cue tears.  I’m blessed to have all four of my grandparents in my life but sometimes it’s tough being so far away as they get older.  Yes, all four of you guys are reading this and I love you 🙂

NYTimes ~ “At U.S. Olympic Trials, Two Marathoners Use Teamwork to Become Teammates” ~ Talk about amazing.

The Infatuation ~ “Llama Inn” ~ I just want to go because of the name.



^^ When your friends sign up for races and see your picture on the website.  WOOHOO! Thanks Mom for sending me my jersey last year.  I’ll start signing autographs 😉


Hey, hey a short post today!  Don’t worry, I’ll bombard you with photos after next weekend’s trip to Phoenix. Have a wonderful weekend all!

Two Hands are Better Than One

When my flight from Charlotte, NC to NYC got me back earlier than expected, I was left with plenty of time to clean the apartment, catch up on recent episodes of Downton Abbey and the Bachelor, and explore another restaurant on my city bucket list.  If you haven’t noticed in the foodie world, avocado toast is on the rage and while I could have easily made a trip to the beloved Bluestone Lane or even Le Pain, I was in the mood to try something new.


Plus, since I was going solo, I was sure to get a table faster, right?  Well, turns out that’s not always the case but I was bound and determined to check Two Hands, another Aussie inspired and run cafe, off of my list.


two hands
164 Mott St, New York, NY 10013




^^ Flat white, an Australian creation, makes for a delightful meal.

IMG_5424Torn between sweet and savory, I stuck to the avocado toast and added an over-easy egg on top.  If there ends up being a next time, I would definitely persuade my buddies to tag along just so we could order a few more dishes and test them all out.

IMG_8361 IMG_8359 ^^ You know when I said that I ate alone?  Well I happened to be sitting next to another solo diner and may have snagged this shot when she wasn’t looking.  Hey, it’s all for the blog right?  I’m sure restaurants are probably sick and tired of people whipping out their phones or cameras as food arrives.

IMG_8358 IMG_8351 ^^ Of course, if you are just looking for coffee on the go, walk in and head straight to the back to submit your order and skip the wait.


^^ Because who wouldn’t want s’more?  If you do happen to have a bit more room for dessert, this packed cookie or stuffed muffin might be well worth your while.  Maybe next go around…


“Food for the body is not enough.  You need food for the soul”

Queen City Travels ~ Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, North Carolina just so happens to be the home of the Carolina Panthers, Bank of America headquarters, the Hornets, the NASCAR Hall of Fame (because yes, people still enjoy car racing), and my good friend Meighan.  Meighan and I met on a blog retreat a couple years ago and have kept in touch ever since.  We kept saying that we would hang out again and of course I hate being that person that says “oh one day we’ll hang out” and then it never happens.  So, I decided to book a trip and spent the last couple of days hanging down in the south and exploring Charlotte.


Mother Nature decided that we were due for some chill and blessed the east coast with a big freeze this past weekend.  While Meighan warned me that I should expect temps in the 20’s and 30’s, it all seemed a bit more manageable than the NYC temps that dipped into the teens!

I arrived mid-evening on Friday where Meighan picked me up, caught up at her apartment for a couple of hours – chatting as if no time had passed.  We then continued catching up over dinner at a local brewery/bar spot.  I went for a bit of BBQ but was a bit underwhelmed.  I guess that’s what you get when you order bar food and well, not every bar can hit it out of the park.


Saturday morning Meighan showed me around her part of town.  Turns out this part of Charlotte happens to be a hot spot M-F during the work day as well as at night on the weekends.  But, during the weekend-day, it seems like the entire town has cleared out into the suburbs.  Maybe I was just more surprised at the lack of people since I’ve been hibernating up in NYC for the past 6 weeks (and 2.5 years) and you can’t go more than a block without seeing at least 10 people no matter the time of day.



What’s nice about the Fourth Ward is that you can walk pretty much everywhere!  Both Meighan and her roommate live walking distance from work, the grocery store, the nightlife, the gym, and you get the picture.  She showed me around the foodie market called 7th Street Public Market.  I’d compare this to Santa Barbara’s Public Market, or a newer version of the Philly Reading Terminal (though nothing really compares to Philly).

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According to some fun statistics, Charlotte, NC living is 9% cheaper than the national average and you could say I was in semi-shock (good shock) every time that I handed over my credit card and saw how cheap everything was – from drinks to food, I was having a grand ‘ol time.

thumb_IMG_8335_1024 ^^ Ok, coffee prices may be on par, but everything else was pretty dirt cheap compared to my city expenses.

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Once adequately caffeinated, it was off to help Meighan dog sit.  Besides working and crushing grad school, she has been filling her time with these adorable pups and we had to do the daily check in.  I mean, how can you not love all of those faces??


Cue time for breakfast at home, quick trip to the local YMCA, and shower – all of which went un-photographed.  When I had planned to travel down, I didn’t really have a schedule in mind.  This was obviously different from most of the trips that I plan – no itinerary, no to-do list, no obligations.  But, sure enough, we were finding ourselves with a packed couple of days.  Saturday afternoon we went out to a popular brewery called Sycamore and even took an uber ride with a driver who was from Los Angeles!


Hanging out at Sycamore was so different than any bar that I have been to in New York because it was filled with owners and their dogs, had a very relaxed vibe to it, and the brews were CHEAP!


We had a good time catching up with her neighbor (who actually grew up in NYC in the upper west side. Talk about small world!) as well as watching the end of the Olympic Marathon trials.  I was standing next to a girl at the bar who was also watching and seemed to know a great more than I did about the race.  I asked if she ran marathons and she said no, but she ran half-marathons.  Oh really? What’s your time?  She then responded with a casual “around 1:30”.  Ha.  Ok.

Anyways, between Saturday’s race and Sunday’s LA Marathon, I am still in pure awe of all of those runners.  Life goals.


^^ I guess this might not be on the #raceweight plan but made for a fun afternoon.  Let’s be honest, this weekend was about exploring and as you’ll see later, calories were not really considered when making our plans 😉

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^^ Yep, like I said.  Food for the southern soul.  We were between two popular burger joints – Bad Daddy’s and Cookout and as you can see, Bad Daddy’s won over my heart and stomach.  I really was in it for the not so basic milkshake (Chunky Elvis w/ peanut butter, Ghirardelli chocolate, and chunks of banana and walnuts).

thumb_IMG_5356_1024 ^^ But while I would have loved to make a milkshake dinner, I knew better and added in a turkey burger + brie + grilled apple/bacon for good measure.


Yes, after inhaling that type of dinner, we both considered ditching our evening plans and instead watching various television shows buuuuut in the back of my head I knew we needed to rally.  We are young, the weekend was just beginning, and who knew if this would be the one and only trip to Charlotte.  So, with that thought in mind (and after a couple of Netflix shows…) we made it out of the apartment and met up with some of Meg’s friends.


^^ Because breweries are apparently a big thing. How’s that for a logo?  Nifty, right?


^^ Twinning at its finest.  So going into the night we said that if we made it through the first brewery, we could go home.  But then more and more people arrived, we found ourselves at a local pub, and then dancing the night away to 80’s and 90’s music.  It’s been AGES since I did that and I have to say, leaving at 2am drenched in sweat, and calves burning from dancing for hours in wedges, felt pretty good.  Oh and I also managed to sleep in until 10am.  Winning! (if you don’t know me by now, that’s impossible, so yay for mini wins)


Sunday was Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, another Hallmark holiday or just plain ‘ol Sunday.  We packed our schedule to the brim yet again – starting with thematic Dunkin Donuts, a HIIT class at a different YMCA, some excellent bargain shopping at JCrew, catching the movie “How to Be Single”, and ending with some Chinese takeout.  I actually had a last minute issue with flights (thank you JetBlue for canceling on me…actually not impressed), so it was helpful to be at home near a computer and also enabled us to recover from our activities.


If you managed to read all my random thoughts, congrats.  If you skimmed the pictures, congrats.  If you enjoyed your weekend, then double congrats!  Charlotte is a pretty nifty place and I was so glad to have experienced it.  Thanks Meighan for being such an amazing hostess!

Life of Late ~ 2.12.16

You know that time I said that the weather hadn’t been too bothersome?  Well I swear that I must have jinxed myself because we have had quite a few flurries, bouts of snow, and chilly chilly days.  Today is dipping into the 20’s and tomorrow is supposed to be even colder!  But, thankfully I’ll be jet-setting my way to Charlotte, North Carolina where it’s only in the 30’s and 40’s. 🙂  I really should send some of this cold air to the west coast where the less than desirable temps will be bearing down on the runners during Sunday’s Los Angeles Marathon.  I say not really desirable because running in 80+ weather just sucks.  Now if it were in the 60’s and low 70’s, that’s a different story.  Anyways, happy Friday to all and the beginning of a long weekend. Here we go with some Friday fun.

In the theme of Valentine’s Day, I am sharing one of the gorgeous shots that my roommate helped style this last weekend:


^^ But really, how amazing of a photo is this?
~ Poached Pear Recipe from Food Network ~ Table setting by Pier1, Plates by Anthropologie ~ Photography by Evan Foster, Styling by Hope Christina White (Death By Stilettos) and Kristi Hunter ~


^^ When in doubt, spin it out.  A little reminder from last Sunday’s SoulCycle that when you find your tribe, you’ll thrive.


^^ Thankfully I have friends who accept me for who I am.  Full crazy and all.  Thanks BHsia for capturing my best angle.

Pure Wow ~ “The World’s 16 Best Desserts EVER” ~ Lucky enough to have tried New Orlean’s Beignets, Portugal’s Pastel de Nata, and England’s Sticky Toffee Pudding buuut LET’S TRAVEL THE WORLD NOW OK?  Who’s with me?


C’est Christine ~ “If I don’t belong here, then where?” ~ Thoughts from one California girl to another. I think we both agree that there is this internal desire to be in California but also to be in New York and every other place of the world.

Buzzfeed ~ “How to Snapchat Like Teens” ~ Wow.  Recall when teens were obsessed with Facebook (uploading album after album of photos), and then it was Instagram, and now it’s Snapchat.

The Huffington Post (Video) ~ “Violet The Rejected Goat Takes On The World” ~ You go baby goat.

little things - found lost items

^^ We have a few people in our family who tend to mis-place items.  The classic line is “have you seen my…” 😉


Oh and Lent.  I’m a bit torn on the subject of religion – I find myself more on the edge of spiritual than full blown religious and was struggling to find purpose in idea of giving up something for Lent.  Usually I go with something superficial (and easy) and it becomes the Lenten diet.  Not the point.  But when I saw a friend post this, I thought “wow, that is a little closer to the purpose of Lent and I can commit to that.”

By the way of the home today of Lent, Pope Francis proposes 15 simple acts of charity that he has mentioned as specific manifestations of love:
1. Smile, a Christian is always cheerful!
2. Thank you (though not “should” do it).
3. to remind others how much you love them.
4. Welcome with joy to those people who you see every day.
5. to hear the story of the other, without prejudice, with love.
6. Stop to help. Be attentive to the one who needs you.
7. Cheer her up to someone.
8. Celebrate the qualities or success of another.
9. Select what you don’t use and give it away to anyone who needs it.
10. When help is needed to make another rest.
11. Correct with love, not shut up for fear.
12. Have good details with those who are close to you.
13. Clean up what I use at home.
14. to help others to overcome obstacles.
15. Phone call to your parents.

The best fasting.   You dare to fast in this lent?
• Fasts of hurtful words and transmits kind words
• Fasts of malcontents and fill of gratitude
• Fasts of anger and fill of meekness and patience
• Fasts of pessimism and have your fill of hope and optimism
• Fasts of concerns and have your fill of trust in God
• Fasts to complain. Have your fill of the simple things of life
• Fasts of pressures and have your fill of prayer
• Fasts of sorrow and bitterness and fill your heart with joy
• Fasts of selfishness and fill of compassion for others
• Fasts from lack of forgiveness and fill yourself with the attitudes of reconciliation
• Fasts of words and have your fill of silence and listen to the other

If we all try this fasting, everyday life will be full of:
Peace, trust, joy and life

IMG_5229 ^^ Because life is too short to not enjoy a doughnut once in awhile.

“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” ― Julia Child